
Monday, September 26, 2011

Mommy Date

Tonight I had the privledge to take Bug with me to run to Staples.  She was super excited to go, just us girls, very talkative in the car, super good in the store and just darling all around!  Staples only had 2 of the 3 things we came for, so I said, "Bug, is it okay with you if we run to Target too?"
She said, "Sure Mama, I don't care where we go, I just want to be with you!"

{Umm, melt my heart!!}

Then she continued on about how we were on a "Mommy- Bug date, no boys, just us giwls" (Bug's "L's" always sound like "W's").  Not only was Bug saying the darn cutest things, she was her most delightful self, and I was able to fully soak in just her!  I loved my little errand buddy this evening!  Yes, she went to bed an hour late, but so worth the bonding time I had with my Little Miss!

I need to remember to take advantage of my "solo running errand time" and really turn it into a date with just one of my little peeps!  They need the focused attention, and I need the opportunities to get to know them as an individual, not just a sibling.  They need the time to talk about whatever it is that is of interest to them, I need the time to fully enjoy the unique person God has made them to be!  They need the time to see their mama totally crazy about them, I need the time to show them how crazy in love I am with each one of them!

If you are not already doing it, go on a date with each of your kiddos!

ps. I have been MIA for a while, another post on another day to fill ya'll in

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big week for H!

It has been quite a big week for our firstborn!
has a new room (no longer sharing with baby bro)
first back to school night
started kindergarten
recited weekly verse in front of the whole school
experienced carpool (way cooler than just our little family)
first soccer game
scored 2 goals in the soccer game...
And tomorrow if our first day of homeschool Kindergarten!
So many fun things for our biggest kid!

silly kiddos on the way to school

Our family getting ready to bring H in for his 1st day!!

Flagged down the ice-cream truck after school for a special treat!

Loving that Daddy is the coach!

H and his best friend E!


What I didn't expect this week was how hard all of H's firsts would be on Bug.  Once we were in the parking lot leaving school, Bug lost it.  "Why isn't bro coming with us?  I want to stay too!  I want bro to come home with us..."

Her sadness didn't last all too long, when we got home I put B-man down for his nap and Bug and I played dolls for 45 minutes.  Do I dare admit, I have never played 1-on-1 with her for that long!  It was such a treat to just get to focus on her for window of time!

She is now enjoying our new routine and doing quite well with bro gone at school.  Tomorrow is our first day of homeschool for H for Kindergarten, so we will see how well she does sharing my attention with both of her bros : ) 

Though I was dreading the busyness of this season, I am really enjoying the unique blessings of this season more than I expected I would!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

busier than I want to be

Life has been a whirlwind the last 3 weeks...
We got home from Alaska
did many loads of laundry
did some school supply shopping
was home a total of 4 days
then I flew the coop and went to Utah... all by myself
had a WONDERFUL time in UT with friends and my sister and nieces
came home to my wonderful husband who was thoroughly worn out and had a new appreciation for what I do, and a new resolve that 3 is PLENTY of kids for us!
more prep for school
more prep for my "mom job" at school {i'm the event coordinator for the annual fundraiser... which is only 9 weeks away}
ministry stuff for church
swimming lessons 2-3 times a week
fun hang out time with friends
finally hanging pictures on the walls... getting more settled everyday {though 2 months in we should probably be all of the way settled}
lots of time at the waterpark- 3 times in 1 week...
more school prep
more meetings for school and ministry
scrubbing crayon from my car interior- thanks to my 2 year old
dealing with throw-up... thanks to one kiddos ever so sensitive gag-reflex lots of dishes and messy floors at home
never ending piles of papers and toys
i am feeling tired
i have been so distracted by all that is happening around me that I haven't fully soaked in that my baby starts KINDERGARTEN tomorrow!
I don't want to be so busy with the perifial things in life that I miss out on the importance of big milestones for our family!  As much as I am dreading having a school-aged kiddo, having life dictated by when the school bell rings, school vacation schedules and activities.  I am really excited for all that is in store for H this next year!  I just need to do a better job figuring out how to function in our new stage of life... to not let the necessary busy overwhelm me, and to know what other "busy" we just have to say no to!

Cheers... and some tears, to our new season of life!

ps. so very thankful I get to homeschool him 2 days a week!