
Saturday, June 5, 2010

little update and random thoughts

It has been such a busy last week, so I have many random thoughts and some updates on our littlest one... this might be a LOT of unnecessary info for those of you that don't know me : )  Sorry!

My sister and her 3 sweet girls came out this last week for a visit.  We had such a great time together and I am so thankful that they were able to road-trip out to see us and soak in some California fun!  We had a great time visiting, going to the beach, going out for frozen yogurt, playing cards and catching up.  My sister and nieces were also a lot of help too!!  I loved watching H with his cousin that is also 4, their imaginative play was amazing.  All of H's dinosaurs had names and had been well loved by the time his cousins left.  It was just such a fun time together!


Baby Update:
Despite the fact that my belly looks HUGE in the picture with my sister,  my doctor said otherwise...  I went in for my weekly OB appointment on Wednesday, and I am measuring 2 weeks small.  So Thursday I went in for an ultrasound and indeed our little one is small.  Bug was small too, but their main concern is that the baby's abdomen area is measuring small (3 weeks behind schedule) which can be an indicator that the baby is not getting enough nutrients.  My fluid levels were also pretty low, they are at an 8... anything above a 10 is considered normal, at a 5 or below they would do an induction.  I am being monitored every few days to make sure that everything is okay with the baby.  I have peace about it now, but for some reason on Thursday before and after my ultrasound I was kind of a train-wreck... I will blame that on pregnancy hormones! 

I was in no rush to get this kiddo out before, but now I just want this little one on the outside so I can know that they are healthy and doing fine.  Please keep us in your prayers, I could be induced at any time... or prayerfully, I can go into labor on my own before they have to induce!

Realistic Expectations
I have been talking with a lot of friends that have been honest and shared that the transition to 3 kiddos is challenging.  I am trying to soak in the H and Bug as much as I can right now, knowing that everything is going to change.  We have also been pretty intentional with some training times with Bug, in hopes that she will not back-track too much once baby is here.  The biggest thing I am trying to wrap my mind around is having realistic expectations of all of us in this transition.  It might turn our little world upside-down for a little bit, but I have to remind myself that it won't be forever.   I have confidence that with time we will get back into a routine and all will be well.  But, for our first few weeks, I don't want my expectations of 1st time obedience, a clean house, sleep, healthy meals, a schedule, minimal TV time... to rob me or anyone in our little family of the joy of becoming a family of 5!  I am going to roll with it : )

Prep for Baby
I think I forgot all that needs to be done to get ready for the baby. 
I finally have my hospital bag packed, after hearing that I could be induced any day. 
As I was laying in bed at 6am this morning, I grabbed my phone and typed in a list of all of the little things we still need to buy to get ready. 
I am trying to think of some fun toys to buy for H and Bug, to slowly break out the first few weeks baby is home. 
Still mulling over name ideas, searching for the perfect name.
Wash, there are still some baby items that I need to wash up to get ready...
... what else am i forgetting?????? 

As I type, lounged on the couch, H has his head on my belly and the baby keeps kicking him.  He turned his face toward my belly and said, "Oh, how I love you baby!"  I can't wait to see him with the littlest one!

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