
Friday, June 18, 2010

Littlest Love

Our baby boy is finally here!!!
He is perfect!  Healthy!  Great Eater!  And one sleepy little dude!
Big Brother and Big Sister were very excited to meet our new baby!

We are officially a family of 5!


  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful little guy! Will you post his name on your other blog? I am so curious! Glad everything went well. You look so well put together and happy! Congrats again!

  2. Congrats Kel! I left out of town the day I saw you went to the hospital. I'm so excited - a BOY!!! He looks perfect. I'll check FB to see if you've named him... LOVE IT!!

  3. What a beautiful family!! God is good. You look amazing! Little man is so cute and love the name;) Can't wait to meet him.
