
Thursday, June 10, 2010

No baby yet

Just a little update...I had a follow up ultrasound today.... and I am happy to report that all looked good.  My fluid levels have increased to 10!  Which is now considered normal.  The baby's heart rate was strong and everything else looked good.

The Dr. doing the ultrasound said they they only take measurements of the baby every 2 weeks because accuracy of the test can be up to 2 weeks off (who would have thought that with today's technology)... anyway, I talked her into measuring the baby's abdomen since that was the area of most concern last week.  I looks like the baby's belly has grown!!!  About a week's worth of growth, which is such an answer to prayers!

She still suggests that I do not go past 39 weeks.  In her opinion that would be the best time for the baby, for optimal health.  I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow, so I will see if he is in agreement.  I am a natural kind of girl, so I am doing all I can to get my body into gear for labor. If I do make it to 39 weeks still pregos, I am going to see if my OB will work with some natural methods of induction before having to go to Pitocin.  We will see : )

Thanks for your prayers! 

I am off to bed!  Insomnia has been my ever present companion the last few nights.  Booo.  I might get more sleep once this kiddo is out needing to eat every 3 hours, than I am getting now!

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