
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summertime Give-away

It is summertime!! The sun is out, the pools are ready,  kids are out of school... at least momentarily!  As a tribute to the end of summer, I wanted to host a give-away!

If you are like us, you have spent a lot of time either in the pool, running through sprinklers, or at the beach this summer.  Not only is great sunblock needed, but toys and of course beach towels.  My kiddos love having their very own special towels.  These fun towels are shaped like a surfboard with a hood attached.  My big kiddos love these...

I would love to give these away to two of you faithful readers...  Pink towel to one of you and blue to another : )

Here is how to enter:
1.  Leave a comment and let me know if you would prefer the pink, blue or either.
2.  For a second entry, let me know if you are a follower... if not, let me know when you become one!
3.  For a final entry, what has been your favorite "out of the box" summer activity you have done this year?

** Give-away ends on Sunday at 5pm (Pacific Time)

Happy last month of summer sweet friends!


  1. I would prefer the blue one. Those are such cute towels! -julie

  2. I am a follower of your blog.

  3. I want the blue one! and I've been reading your blog since it's beginning...actually, I remember when you were talking about starting a blog at our rainy "summer" BBQ 2 years ago. and our favorite summer activity, although not out of the box, is camping and hiking. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks, chica! ...heather

  4. I'd love either Kelly! I' be a follower, but alas, I don't know how to do that?

    Out of the box summer idea...hmmm...maybe not so out of the box, but our family enjoyed trying the drive-in movies for the first time with kids this year. Lots of fun to gather up in the back of a car with blankets and snacks!

  5. I'd love the pink one :) super cute!

  6. Out of the box...hmmm...I can't even think of anything. I am taking a week off of work coming up, so that's when our real summer fun will be! Our routines and typical schedules are all SHOT though, which is very different for us, so I guess that's our out of the box right now.

  7. I would love the pink one; fun to remind us of our CA roots. :)

  8. The most out of the box activity so far this summer has been blueberry picking! Not your average activity, so it was fun to have something to look forward to and all the kids loved it!

  9. Winners:
    Susan - Blue
    Th McKays- Pink
