
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lovin' on Baby Bro

We are all loving our newest addition.

Baby Bro has continued to be an amazing baby.  He only gets up 2 times a night.  Usually around 2am and then 5 or 6.  Bug and H still love Baby, which I am incredibly thankful.  Life is busy here, but life is good!

Everyday life is feeling more normal as a family of 5... well actually right now a family of 6.  Thank goodness my mom is in town.  She has been such a blessing... playing with kids, changing diapers, holding baby, cleaning, cooking, middle of the night shift,  playing in the ocean,  and maybe some more changing of diapers.    I only have 4 more days with her here, it will be a sad day on Thursday when she leaves...

Can I do 3 kids on my own????

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Car Seat Canopy/ Car Seat Cover/ Car Seat Tent

I used the following blogs to tweek my own pattern:
Reversible Cover made by
A little Bit Larger:
And this one to get a picture for the opening in the front:

What you will need...
2 different fabrics,
1.25 yards of one
1 yard of the other
Ribbon and or embellishments (I used some Ric Rac)

Steps for creating:
1.  Cutting Fabric:  Cut salvaged edges off both pieces.  Then cut fabric to be 34"x42"

2.  Round Corners:  Using a large bowl or oval platter, round corners.  On my front corners, I went back 6" so that it won't drag.  On the back corners, I went in 3"

3.  Make sure fabric is right side in, pin fabrics together to make sure they line up, trim off any excess.
4.  To cut the center opening:  Line up on cutting mat, or measure off to find center.  I cut 16.5 inches up from the bottom (of the side with the front corners).  I think I would make it a little longer next time.  Maybe 18".

** If you are going to embelish down the center or add ribbon to tie the front together, now is the time to pin it all into place.  I actually sewed in the Ric Rac first then pressed this section to make sure it lined up correctly.  For me, the Ric Rac was by far the hardest part of putting this together, I struggled thinking inside out, rounding the corner at the top and then invisioning what it would look like flipped.  I am sure that if you sew more often than I do, you would have no problem.  I struggled on this part, but was well worth the ripped out stitches, mind puzzle, and finally figuring it out. I love how the center opening turned out.

5.  Once you have the cener all figured out.  Lay fabrics flat (right sides in), double check that fabrics lie flat once pined together.  Sew almost all of the way around leaving an opening of about 6" so you can turn the fabric right side out.

6.  Once turned right-side out,  press flat.  Be sure to turn under the fabric at the 6" opening so you can sew that section closed.

7.  Top stitch around the whole cover.  Be sure to enclose the 6" opening you left for turning right-side out.

8.  Cut the straps.  I cut 4 straps that were 9" long x5" wide.  

9.  Sewing Straps: Fold straps in half (width wise, with right sides in).  Once folded straps will be 9"x2.5".  Press.  Sew on one short side then long side.  Turn right side out.  Fold freyed edges under by about 1/4", press.  Top stitch straps (at least the side with the opening).

10.  Finishing off the straps:  I cut ribbon to tie over the handle of the car seat (you could just do the ribbon and forget the strap cutting).  I cut my ribbon 26" long.  Then I sewed on the straps,  I did not sew all of the way to the edges, just a rectangle in the center of the ribbon to attache it well to the strap.  Alternatives for ribbon would be a ribbon fold and then a button on top.  Sewing on a fabric flower.  Really however you want to finish it off. 

11.  Pining Straps on Canopy:  This was a tricky part.  I sewed mine on 10" in from the outside edges, about 20" up from the bottom of the front.  Pin it on secured with multiple pins, then strap on carseat to make sure it fits where you want it to.  I adjusted mine 2 times after testing it out on the actual carseat.  If you are making your canopy reversible, once you have the top straps pined in place, pin the 2nd set of straps on the back side of the canopy in the exact place you have the top straps.

12.  Sewing Straps on:  Measure out where the center of the strap is (about at 4.25"), mark it with a pin.  Then create a box 1" wider than the center point (1/2" lengthwise on the top and bottom side of the pin) but just as wide as the strap.  Box will be about 1"x 2.5".  I also put an X through the box for extra reinforcement.

13.  Strap on your car seat and admire all of your hard work... and count down the days until you can put your little bundle of joy inside your adorable canopy you created.

Hopefully this all makes sense!  Let me know if part of this is confusing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

feeling tired!

All is well... life is just crazy with three little ones!  Whew, but we are making it, at times it feels like just barely, but we are making it.... much thanks to my mom's help!  I have yet to return a phone call, or email, to read anything (book, blog, Bible).  Sorry, please be patient with me : )

I am in love with my new little man.  He looks so much like H did as a baby, but has so many unique qualities of his own.  He makes the sweetest little faces, and sounds.  He sleeps great (day and night).  Last night I was only up 2 times.  Not bad for such a little guy!  He is content being held or sitting in his bouncy seat.  He has the softest skin and sweetest cheeks that I can't help but kiss.  Baby Boy has a name, I just haven't figured out a blog name yet.  Aunt Kira, can you help in this department???

I am seeing new sides of my two big kids.  H has been amazing with Baby Bro, he wants to help hold him, grab items I may need, talk to him, turn on music for Baby Bro on his bouncy seat.  He is gentle, gives lots of kisses, is patient and loving.  H has regressed a little in some areas, it just really shows me that no matter how hard I try to keep life "feeling normal,"  HUGE changes have happened here, of course H would show some signs of it.

Bug also loves the baby, maybe in just a little more of an aggressive way.  She says "baby" a minimum of 672 times a day.  When she gives him a kiss, it is usually in quantities of at least 12. She has to be reminded ever few seconds not to touch baby's face.  She climbs chairs, tables, and anything else necessary to get to Baby Bro.  I kind of feel like a mommy jungle gym... when I am holding Baby she climbs on my lap in attempt to love on her little bro.  I am constantly trying to keep him safe and keep Bug happily enjoying the new addition to our family.  This aspect of our transition has been exhausting. 

I am tired, mentally and physically.  I guess I forgot how tiring it is to be a mama to a newborn.  Then add in a 4 year old with lots of energy and a 19 month old that is curious and just had her world turned upside down... and that makes a very tired mama!

We are doing well, like I said.  Just busy trying to keep 3 kids loved on and taken care of!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Littlest Love

Our baby boy is finally here!!!
He is perfect!  Healthy!  Great Eater!  And one sleepy little dude!
Big Brother and Big Sister were very excited to meet our new baby!

We are officially a family of 5!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Updates/ Tweets

At the hospital... ready to meet our sweet little one!  Check the side bar for most recent tweets of labor and baby updates.
Funny pic... haha... Can I tell you how much I hate hospital gowns.  And can you tell contractions are not really strong yet.  Baby is doing great on the monitor, heart rate around 140.  Does that mean girl or boy???

Praying things start to progress quickly so I can avoid the meds.  We will see.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Well, it is official, I am set to be induced on Thursday. 

... random thoughts on induction/ answers to questions I have been asked...
  • I will be exactly 39 weeks on Thursday.
  • My doctor said he will break my water first if I want him to, then wait 4 hours to see if labor starts or if we have to start pitocin
  • I am totally undecided on if I will get an epidural.  I have heard that pitocin is a nasty drug, and I just don't know if I could handle labor being any more intense than it already is....
  • It feels really strange knowing this little one will be here by Thursday. 
  • I teared up as we walked into church tonight thinking, this is (most-likely) the last time I will go to church pregos.   Then as I sat there and they baby kicked away, I soaked it in... trying not to cry.
  • When we got home, I was telling Mr. Steady about my unexpected flurry of emotions and he said, "Do you think most women like being pregnant as much as you do?"  My response was, "I am sure some do.  But I know plenty of women that hate being pregnant."  I express my love of pregnancy here.
  • I am still hardly dialated, less than a 2.  So we have a ways to go!  
  • Yea, for grandmas!  We will have help for almost a month straight!

  • That our little one is healthy and growing for the next 5 days.
  • For a safe delivery for baby and me
  • For a supportive nurse and good hospital experience
  • That Bug can really bond with her grandmas.  She is such a mama's girl that in the past when they are around she only wants me.  That could make for a hard transition for all of us.
  • The overall transition for all of us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

No baby yet

Just a little update...I had a follow up ultrasound today.... and I am happy to report that all looked good.  My fluid levels have increased to 10!  Which is now considered normal.  The baby's heart rate was strong and everything else looked good.

The Dr. doing the ultrasound said they they only take measurements of the baby every 2 weeks because accuracy of the test can be up to 2 weeks off (who would have thought that with today's technology)... anyway, I talked her into measuring the baby's abdomen since that was the area of most concern last week.  I looks like the baby's belly has grown!!!  About a week's worth of growth, which is such an answer to prayers!

She still suggests that I do not go past 39 weeks.  In her opinion that would be the best time for the baby, for optimal health.  I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow, so I will see if he is in agreement.  I am a natural kind of girl, so I am doing all I can to get my body into gear for labor. If I do make it to 39 weeks still pregos, I am going to see if my OB will work with some natural methods of induction before having to go to Pitocin.  We will see : )

Thanks for your prayers! 

I am off to bed!  Insomnia has been my ever present companion the last few nights.  Booo.  I might get more sleep once this kiddo is out needing to eat every 3 hours, than I am getting now!

Monday, June 7, 2010


My last 24 hours

8:00pm Started having contractions
11:00pm Went to bed trying not to have my hopes up.
Layed there awake
Listen to Mr. Steady fall asleep
Heart racing... anxious and excited
Hand on belly
watching the clock
every 3 minutes....
I get up out of bed
call my mom (good thing she lives in Alaska, she is the only one awake this time of night)
Have her help me time my contractions and talk about if this might be real labor
still every 3 minutes while I sit
Start walking around, harder to notice the contractions, start doubting again if it is labor
Decide to lay on couch and get a little rest
Sleep on and off for about an hour
Contractions start to increase, every 3 minutes again...
 2:30am wake up Mr. Steady
4:30am check in at hospital
5:30am monitored (contracting still every 3 minutes), checked at 1cm
6;30am told to walk the halls to see if things will progress
7:30am checked again, 1.5cm
8:00am sent home, not enough progress.

I was so annoyed and embarrassed this morning when I was sent home.  I felt bad that I woke up Mr. Steady and that Nan had come over in the middle of the night to watch my kids.  I felt discouraged; will I be able to tell when to go in next time.  You would think I would know, this is my 3rd kid…. only problem is Bug’s labor was fast so they don’t want me laboring at home for too long.  I keep telling myself that this little one will get here in God’s perfect timing.  I just wish that I knew when that time was!

As the day has gone on I have had sporadic contractions, nothing super strong or consistent.  So I am off to bed, hoping for a good night sleep to catch up from last night!  Praying that this little one is healthy and will be here soon!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

little update and random thoughts

It has been such a busy last week, so I have many random thoughts and some updates on our littlest one... this might be a LOT of unnecessary info for those of you that don't know me : )  Sorry!

My sister and her 3 sweet girls came out this last week for a visit.  We had such a great time together and I am so thankful that they were able to road-trip out to see us and soak in some California fun!  We had a great time visiting, going to the beach, going out for frozen yogurt, playing cards and catching up.  My sister and nieces were also a lot of help too!!  I loved watching H with his cousin that is also 4, their imaginative play was amazing.  All of H's dinosaurs had names and had been well loved by the time his cousins left.  It was just such a fun time together!


Baby Update:
Despite the fact that my belly looks HUGE in the picture with my sister,  my doctor said otherwise...  I went in for my weekly OB appointment on Wednesday, and I am measuring 2 weeks small.  So Thursday I went in for an ultrasound and indeed our little one is small.  Bug was small too, but their main concern is that the baby's abdomen area is measuring small (3 weeks behind schedule) which can be an indicator that the baby is not getting enough nutrients.  My fluid levels were also pretty low, they are at an 8... anything above a 10 is considered normal, at a 5 or below they would do an induction.  I am being monitored every few days to make sure that everything is okay with the baby.  I have peace about it now, but for some reason on Thursday before and after my ultrasound I was kind of a train-wreck... I will blame that on pregnancy hormones! 

I was in no rush to get this kiddo out before, but now I just want this little one on the outside so I can know that they are healthy and doing fine.  Please keep us in your prayers, I could be induced at any time... or prayerfully, I can go into labor on my own before they have to induce!

Realistic Expectations
I have been talking with a lot of friends that have been honest and shared that the transition to 3 kiddos is challenging.  I am trying to soak in the H and Bug as much as I can right now, knowing that everything is going to change.  We have also been pretty intentional with some training times with Bug, in hopes that she will not back-track too much once baby is here.  The biggest thing I am trying to wrap my mind around is having realistic expectations of all of us in this transition.  It might turn our little world upside-down for a little bit, but I have to remind myself that it won't be forever.   I have confidence that with time we will get back into a routine and all will be well.  But, for our first few weeks, I don't want my expectations of 1st time obedience, a clean house, sleep, healthy meals, a schedule, minimal TV time... to rob me or anyone in our little family of the joy of becoming a family of 5!  I am going to roll with it : )

Prep for Baby
I think I forgot all that needs to be done to get ready for the baby. 
I finally have my hospital bag packed, after hearing that I could be induced any day. 
As I was laying in bed at 6am this morning, I grabbed my phone and typed in a list of all of the little things we still need to buy to get ready. 
I am trying to think of some fun toys to buy for H and Bug, to slowly break out the first few weeks baby is home. 
Still mulling over name ideas, searching for the perfect name.
Wash, there are still some baby items that I need to wash up to get ready...
... what else am i forgetting?????? 

As I type, lounged on the couch, H has his head on my belly and the baby keeps kicking him.  He turned his face toward my belly and said, "Oh, how I love you baby!"  I can't wait to see him with the littlest one!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Delighting in our children

I have been bombarded, in the best way, with messages about delighting in our children.  I think this is an area where I have a lot of growth, maybe we all do, but I know that I have needed each and every reminder.  So with most things in life, the big picture is great... but I am a practical gal and I need someone to break it down as to what it really looks like.  Here are a few things I learned...

Show it on your face:
What do your kids see more often a look of frustration and disappointment, or a smile and delight.  Uggh, guilty on this one.  I remember years ago my friend Mandy (who one of the moms that I look up to the most and seek advice from often) said that she was making a conscious effort to smile at her kids more often.  A smile can often be contagious too!  A smile is powerful; it communicates delight, contentment, acceptance and joy.  Do you want your kids to remember you by your scowl of disappointment or by a smile of delight?  Please know I am not saying a fake smile, because our little ones will see right through that.  But we all have plenty to be joyful about.  It is just a matter of what we are focusing on, and how we are letting it affect our disposition.
(picture from last fall)

Power of our Words:
Do we as mom's take the time to prayerfully consider the words we are using to influence our kids? Are our words building them up or tearing them down?  Are our words truthful or full of false flattery?  I want my words to encourage the heart of my child, to be well thought out that it is what their little heart needs to hear.

I have been thinking about the verse from Ephesians 4:29 a lot lately:
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I am struck by this verse on so many levels as a wife, mom and friend;  but for this post I will stick with the idea of delighting in our children.  Part of delighting in our kids is knowing them well enough to know what is helpful for building them up according to their needs.  Not just the typical "good job" here or there, but really what areas of growth have you seen in them that you can encourage?  Where do you see God at work in their hearts and lives that you can come along side and build up in them?

This afternoon I was reading a this post on  The author wrote...
"Our words are powerful. What we speak over our children is what they are going to become. If you are always saying, “You are so naughty!” “You are so dumb!” “You are so disobedient!” “You are so strong-willed” “You have such a poor attention span.” “You are crazy wild!” Don’t be surprised if they become that way. But on the other hand if you speak life: “I am so proud of you when you obey quickly and with joy!” “I love the way you share.” “You are so smart!” “I can’t believe how long you can sit and pay attention!” You will enjoy the fruits of your speech and reap a child that will live up to those good expectations and grow into teens that will surprise the world and give you opportunity to share your faith and beliefs. The world doesn’t expect much from their children, but we can expect all that God expects: obedience, joy and blessing!

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” Proverbs 31:26

Delight in your children, they are your legacy, a reflection of God’s love, and your most prized possession!"

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all that I have been convicted by and learning about delighting in my kiddos.  I hope that it might be an encouragement to you as well!

" My children bring joy every day. Sometimes in bucketfuls, sometimes just a drop. I just need to open my eyes so my heart can see it."