Santa Barbara is such a perfect place for a weekend get away! I love how charming State Street area is, the natural beauty of the mountains and the beach, the laid back perhaps even a tad granola the people are. We will be going back to Santa Barbara, hopefully soon!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Santa Barbara I Heart You
Santa Barbara is such a perfect place for a weekend get away! I love how charming State Street area is, the natural beauty of the mountains and the beach, the laid back perhaps even a tad granola the people are. We will be going back to Santa Barbara, hopefully soon!
Monday, February 22, 2010
longing for friends... at 4
Just 2 months ago when we were still in the good ol' Rocky Mountains, his life was FULL of friends. Friends he loved and that loved him. Here we are still working on connecting with other families with kids his age. It is a process... I know, I still feel the void in friendships... I guess, I am just now trying to figure out how to help my 4 year old navigate this void as well.
The teachable moments are many. "Hey Love, how did you feel when....? Let's be sure to not make others feel that way..." Wisdom would be welcomed! Please pray for his little heart to not be jaded by the rejection, but instead that God would be using this to shape his heart to be loving and kind to others.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
SoCal Living- Nanny
At a mommy group that I go to weekly, at a local church; I was a part of a conversation about hired help (really just a bystander with NOTHING to contribute). Let me start by saying I don't have any problem with those that have the funds to hire a little help here and there. Heck when I was working we had a cleaning service come 2 times a month. We would hire a babysitter so we could have a date night. Though that was not the only hired help some of these gals had. Of the 6 of us stay-at-home moms at the table 3 gals were sharing how they needed more hours from their nannies. One gal now has her nanny 5 days a week! Another one of the mom's went on to say that Caucasian nannies are the worst because they will only watch your kids and not clean up the house, they don't work as hard as nannies of a different race. I was thinking "did she really just say that out-loud?!?!"
Anyway, all of that to say, I have NEVER heard a conversation like this back in the Rocky Mountains! I would be lying if I said that conversation did not discourage me. It was not discouraging in the sense that it made me jealous but rather that it was discouraging in that I often feel like I am not like the culture or the norm (which I am totally okay with), I often wonder if others can relate to me at all... will they even take the time to get to know me?
I guess I was just surprised at the conversation... life is just different here.
This last Sunday we visited my friend Kathy's church (yes we are still church shopping). The pastor gave an awesome message based on the Parable of the Seed. He challenged us to look at the season of Lent as preparing our soil so we best receive the message of Easter. I was struck by the new perspective for Lent. It is not about depriving myself of something for the sake of discipline (though that is often a worthy cause). It is about having my heart in the best possible place, the humble place of truly being ready for Easter. I guess like the start of Lent, many years Easter has completely snuck up on me... often I am scurrying around trying to find Easter outfits for my family, rushing out to buy candy for the kids baskets and my heart is left thinking about the "American" version of Easter, not the life-changing reason of Easter. I want my focus to be less on the materialistic aspects of Easter and more on Christ's resurrection and His grace.
So this year is different. I am ready to participate in Lent by giving up some of my vices, and by being constantly reminded that the soil of my heart is being prepared.
Hosea 10:12
"Sow for yourselves righteousness,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the LORD,
until he comes and showers righteousness on you."
Are you participating in Lent? What are you giving up? What is your hope for this season of Lent?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
We are not much of a Valentines Day family... My husband and my perspective has been that we show each other love every day of the year, we do not need a "Hallmark" holiday to celebrate love. Not saying that we are ooey gooey romantic year round. But our life and marriage is full. Our lack of fascination with the holiday all started on our first valentines day married when I crashed his 4runner driving down a canyon from a ski resort. I almost died our first valentines day, maybe that put a damper on the holiday for us : )
Now that our kids are getting older, especially H-man. I really think that he would love to celebrate Valentines day. Which we didn't this year. I wasn't on the ball. But I am determined to next year. One think I have done the past few years (yet again, I wasn't on the ball with this year) was sending Valentines pictures of the kids to family that lives far away. Here are V-day pictures from years past.

(H-man just over 1)

(H 3, Bug 3 months)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Healthy Banana Bread
Oh, this morning was glorious; I was able to make Banana Bread… so yummy! And I would even say healthy. I mean, I guess healthy can be a relative term… this is a healthy banana bread recipe that I got from my mom. Some might argue bread is not healthy but it our house it is a treat and a healthy option to sugary cereals.
healthy banana bread
1 1/2 Cups of whole weat flour
1/2 Cup of Sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup wheat germ
3 medium, ripe bananas mashed (about 1 cup)
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp. canola oil
4 egg whites
Sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix in the wheat germ. Add all remaining ingredients and beat until well blended.
Place in 1 oiled 8″X4″ pan, bake for 1 hour @ 350 degrees
Place in 3 mini loaf pans (oiled and ) bake for 35 minutes @ 350 degrees
** alternatives for Wheat Germ- you can use really finely chopped nuts or flax seed. On the loafs I made today I used 1/4 cup chopped walnuts and 1/4 cup ground flax seed.**
I love the ease of this recipe and that it only dirties one bowl… no need to have more dishes to do… my least favorite part of cooking and baking : )
Thursday, February 4, 2010
the big 3-O!!!
here is my top 30 list in no specific order…
1. My man- I can’t say enough about how thankful I am for Mr. Steady. He is just an amazing husband, loving, fun, supportive, thoughtful, and honest. He balances me out in so many ways, encourages me and challenges me. I am so blessed to have such a loving man!
2. H-man- such a smart kiddo full of life, wonder and curiosity.
3. Bug- our funny feisty girl that makes us feel like we are parenting a mini-me. She cracks us up, and keeps us on our toes.
4. Our newest blessing, flipping in my belly as I type. Still amazed at God’s planning and provision in giving us a third child.
5. The health of my kiddos, I honestly don’t take this for granted even for a day!
6. My parents, for so many reasons, for raising me, putting up with me, challenging me and helping me accomplish many dreams.
7. That Mr. Steady has a good job
8. My step-mom! My dad got married a few months before we did. And I LOVE Terri! I am so thankful for her love for my dad, for us kids and now the grandkids!
9. A warm house in a very safe neighborhood.
10. That God has allowed me to be pregnant 3 times now. I do not take it lightly that I get to carry a little life with-in me. Truly an honor and so amazing!
11. Grace- I am so thankful that life is not about what I can do, how good I can be… but that I am saved by grace alone!
12. Photos, I love captured memories!
13. Parenting mentors, who have paved the way and can give us insight.
14. Sweet friendships formed through mommy-hood.
15. Health insurance
16. My step-dad! My mom married Bill while I was still in college. They are a great couple and Bill is a great step-dad and grandpa!
17. That even-though I am a stay-at-home mom, that I was able to go to college. Thanks Dad for paying so much for my education!
18. My in-laws. I am SO blessed by incredible in-laws. Not only did they raise an incredible son, but they reach out, love me and encourage me often!
19. That we don’t have TV (cable) right now. I am getting to bed much earlier, which means I have the energy to get up before my kids… quiet 30-45 minutes to read my Bible and journal.
20. Kathy, Natalie and Nicole that have done so much to help me adjust to life in Cali.
21. That when I was 21 God gave me hope that there were still awesome Christian guys out there, and to stop settling. And by God’s grace I met Mr. Steady by 22!
22. T & D, so sweetly became my California Parents when I was in college and now that we moved back they not only love on Mr. Steady and I, but they are Cali grandparents for our kids… they are even taking the kids so Mr. Steady and I can get away for a night for my birthday!
23. The trials and hard times in life… for in these times I am changed the most, grow and mature. It is also in the trials that I naturally cling to God the most… not that I want any more trials, but I am thankful that good comes from difficulty!
24. Utah friends that gave us many farewells full of love, who continue to check in on us. Life-long friends for sure!
25. College roommates (Court, Kathy and Jenn)… I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for you 3 gals.
26. Cooking- having a kitchen to cook in and a husband that appreciates a home-cooked meal. I really enjoy cooking (and baking).
27. That I am not in control. Even though sometimes I wish I was, I am so thankful that God has a bigger plan and for my life, and still cares about the little details.
28. My siblings and my hubby’s siblings. I am so thankful for each relationship and that our siblings helped form who we are.
29. That we moved… as much as I am still missing Utah everyday. I feel like this move has helped us prioritize life. It has helped me soak in and enjoy my kids at this stage and has helped me trust God’s plan, even the unknown parts of it.
30. Life, and life to the full!