Here are a few of my favorite things about this holiday season:
Advent for Kids- this year we did Truth in Tinsel- ebook
It was a perfect age for our kiddos. We did all of the reading, loved the discussion that flowed from the questions was great! I felt like our kids grasped the Christmas story more than ever. We did many of the crafts included in the book, we modified some of the crafts... well becuase I'm crafty like that : ) I did give myself permission to not do a craft everyday... well because December is busy like that. I think that if you have kids 8 and under, maybe even up to 10, this is an awesome advent to do!
Advent for Mama-
She Reads Truth- Advent
I read it on my phone through my Bible App- You Version
I started it late, so I tried to read one section in the morning and another at night to try to catch up. It was great for me to have some focused reading leading up to Christmas too!
Joy To the World-
Our neighborhood goes a tad crazy with Christmas decorations... some beautiful and some overboard {that is an understatement}. We wanted our house to be festive, but I really desired for our house to show the real reason for Christmas, the birth of Christ. So my sweet hubby agreed to help me with a craft project... ops, promised him i'd call it an art project: ) I wanted a sign to hang on our porch, but I can't paint-- not at alll! So all Mr. steady asked is that I showed him the fonts I liked and some ideas of a nativity.
They he whipped up this masterpiece! It makes my heart happy every time I see it! I'm sure going to be sad to take it down!
Gingerbread house decorating
We kept our tradition of decorating gingerbread houses with our friends. This year we were smart enough to let H decorate one that stayed at our own house. We couldn't let last years mishap occur again!
There were many other great events, traditions and happenings this holiday season.... Christmas party with my besties from college, H's Christmas play, seeing my sweet MIL, getting to hold my new little nephew, visit from my mom and step-dad, cousin time, amazing Christmas lights, lost of Christmas music, B mastering "Away in the Manger", Christmas eve service with family, beach day, mini family vacation to Palm Desert, many hand-made gifts, peppermint Joe Joes- yummy, Christmas banquet for church, and so very much more!
We have been so very blessed!